This is a just released review of our group, on the use of Stentys foro coronary use-Future Cardiology.
Stentys reviewJust published-Review on Stentys device for coronary applications
Interview at India Live 2019
My interview at India Live 2019, on: OCT, DCB and BRS technologies-an update.
interviewer Dr Shadanand Shetty
FASICO NATIVES study published!
I am proud to inform that FASICO NATIVES has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine.
After FASICO and NANOLUTE’ this is a crucial piece for the assessment of the safety and efficacy of Magic Touch sirolimus-eluting DCB. In this study, which will be available soon for the readers, we have conducted a core-lab assessment of the angiographic outcome of SCB for native coronary vessel disease.
With more than one third of patients showing late lumen enlargement (just like the top-in-class paclitaxel DCB), the average LLL was 0.09mm in this cohort of consecutive small-vessel-disease patients.
Core lab analysis was performed by Cardialysis (Rotterdam, NL).
…waiting for the interim analysis of the EASTBOURNE study, 1043 patients, to be presented at EuroPCR 2019 as late breaking clinical trial!
Paclitaxel defendant for peripheral application-the point of some experts
Recently, a meta-analysis by Katsanos et a. showed an increase in late mortality after paclitaxel administration (either with DES or DCB) in the peripheral field (SFA).
The topic is hot and deserves a deep analysis of the available data. For the moment, our position regarding DCB is that the technology, if used in expert hands and following the available position papers, is safe and effective for the treatment of lower extremity disease.
Please, take a look at the recently published editorial of F Fanelli, T Zeller and myself in the Journal of Endovascular therapy.
DCB Book-preview!!!
The DCB book is on the go…