DEB School

DEB School is one of the main focuses of my scientific activities.

Beginning 2013, we understood that the drug-eluting balloon technology deserved deep, hands-on, direct Courses, whose aims were a complete description of the technological and scientific background, and mostly, a description of how to perform, correctly, a DEB-PCI.

Please refer also to the “Italian GISE Position Paper on DEB angioplasty”, Cath Cardiovasc Interv, B. Cortese et al, 2014.

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DEB School VI


This time the guest faculty was Dr Fernando Alfonso, head of Cardiology at Hospital La Princesa in Madrid, and one of the leading cardiologists in Europe. He is also an expert in DCB.

During his speech he gave his personal point of view on the failure of Sequent Please compared to EES for the treatment of DES restenosis, describing in depth the results of the RIBS IV study. He alo commented on the positive results of RIBS V, DCB vs EES in BMS restenosis.

We also had a wonderful time together at night!

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