“The leave nothing behind” strategy


Special Issue Editor

Cardiovascular Research Team, San Carlo Clinic, Milan, Italy; Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione Cardiovascolare, Milano, Italy
Interests: Percutaneous tricuspid interventions; Conduction disturbances after TAVI; Antithrombotic therapy in TAVI patients; Percutaneous treatment of bicuspid valve

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

Interventional cardiology is evolving rapidly with an increased need for better results in treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) which is the leading cause of death worldwide.
The introduction of drug eluting stents (DES) revolutionized treatment of coronary artery disease by reducing the rate of restenosis to 5%-10%. However, the use of DES in complex patients such as diabetic, small vessel disease, long lesions and coronary artery bypass grafting is still associated with higher risk of ISR.
In recent years, drug-coated balloons (DCB) have emerged as a potential alternative to combat restenosis and fulfill the goal of the DES without duplicating the limitations encountered with previously available devices. With currently available paclitaxel and sirolimus balloon coatings DCBs are showing non-inferiority vs DES in different patient settings. However, a major challenge in the management of coronary artery disease is the accurate identification of those patients who will benefit from either DCB or DES and which coating outperforms the other at long term.

CAD has an increasing incidence, prevalence and mortality rate. In light of recent advances in various delivering and coating devices for management of CAD we introduce this series of concise reviews that will focus on the contemporary management of these patients and investigate different approaches of their care.


Dr. Bernardo Cortese

Guest Editor



Cortese’s DEB SCHOOL XII Edition @ Vercelli’s

Advanced Course on Drug-Eluting Balloon use in coronary revascularizations – for believers, and not:

“Who said you always need a stent?”

Corso sponsorizzato da Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione Cardiovascolare.

22 Giugno 2022 @ Vercelli Palace Hotel
23 Giugno 2022 @ Ospedale Sant’Andrea, Vercelli

We thank Dr Ugo Fabrizio for hosting the XII edition of DEB School.

Programma Scientifico:

Programma DEB SCHOOL_22-23 giugno 2022_Rev.01


EuroPCR 22: EASTBOURNE Registry LBCT interview

 Bernardo Cortese (Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione Cardiovascolare, IT) discusses the main findings from the EASTBOURNE Study, that investigated the sirolimus-coated balloon in an all-comer population.

Findings are positive as regards the device’s safety and efficacy profile, with the primary endpoint of target lesion revascularization (TLR) occurring in 6% of the population.

Full interview available here:



Accademia di Alta Formazione Clinica per Medici del Territorio

Un percorso Formativo Clinico-Pratico rivolto ai MMG Lombardi, ideato e condotto dal Dr Fabio Lucio Albini-la Fondazione RIC e’ onorata di parteciparvi, con una lezione tenuta dal Dr Cortese presso l’Aula Magna dell’Universita’ di Milano, Sabato 12 Marzo 2022. Sessione molto interattiva, che ha mostrato il crescente interesse della Medicina del Territorio per le tematiche Cardiovascolari. Nell’ottica di migliorare l’interazione Territorio-Ospedale.

La sessione del Dr Cortese, che ha seguito quella tenuta dal Prof Carugo sullo Scompenso Cardiaco, verteva sui temi ‘hot’ della Cardiologia Interventistica.


Maggiori dettagli sul programma al seguente link:



Sabato 12 Marzo 2022, Università Statale di Milano

Approccio e gestione integrata delle forme non gravi di patologie cardiologiche di interesse internistico sul territorio: scompenso cardiaco, cardiopatie ischemiche, aritmie.