Non dobbiamo chiudere gli ospedali. E’ un errore gravissimo concentrare tutta l’attenzione sanitaria sul Covid. Stiamo sbagliando nei confronti del cittadino.
intervista La VeritàNell’era Covid i Pazienti Cardiovascolari Muoiono Maggiormente
The Interventional Cardiology World: User’s Manual of the Cath. Lab. for Students and Apprentices
I am pleased to inform you that ‘The Interventional Cardiology World: User’s Manual of the Cath. Lab. for Students and Apprentices‘ is at press!
If you have not already placed an order, this is your last chance to do so taking advantage of our 30% pre-publication discount with the “prepub30” code as the offer will expire on October 20, 2020.
Is paclitaxel associated with higher mortality? The DCB in periphery conundrum: my perspective
About one year ago, a metanalysis conducted by Dr. Katsanos and Coll. showed an increase in mortality following the use of paclitaxel-coated balloons / stents when used for femoro-popliteal PTA. The whole sector was evidently shocked as a result to this metanalysis, and many actions (some of them absolutely unjustified) have been taken since then.
After one year, after a necessary cooling off period and further analyses, it is time for me to take a clear position on the matter.
Therefore, we are presenting our point of view regarding the topic, as expressed in some published editorials.
Today we are presenting the last one:
“Mortality Increase and Paclitaxil-Coated Device Use” December 2019
Is paclitaxel associated with higher mortality? The DCB in periphery conundrum: my perspective
About one year ago, a metanalysis conducted by Dr. Katsanos and Coll. showed an increase in mortality following the use of paclitaxel-coated balloons / stents when used for femoro-popliteal PTA. The whole sector was evidently shocked as a result to this metanalysis, and many actions (some of them absolutely unjustified) have been taken since then.
After one year, after a necessary cooling off period and further analyses, it is time for me to take a clear position on the matter.
Therefore, during the next weeks we are presenting our point of view regarding the topic, as expressed in some published editorials.
Today we are presenting the first one:
“Use of Paclitaxel-Eluting Technologies in the Femoropopliteal Segment Under Scrutiny Over Possible Link to Late All-Cause Mortality: Time to Panic or an Opportunity to Resurge?” 26.02.19
Musica e Cuore
La complessità e la natura del nostro sistema cardiovascolare rendono più complicato, ma altrettanto affascinante, indagare gli effetti della musica su di esso. Ciò che ascoltiamo condiziona il ritmo cardiaco e la frequenza respiratoria, incidendo in modo significativo sul nostro organismo.