This is the article just published in JACC.
current studies on drug-coated balloon technology
This article-in italian- is an update of our scientific Society on the clinical use of Absorb BVS. A good and comprehensive reading. Enjoy!documento-gise-su-utilizzo-bvs
This is the article just published in JACC as a Research Letter. It refers to the Survey that we conducted in 2015 and that was reserved to the most influencing experts on the Absorb BVS technology.
As you are probably aware, the FDA gave green light to Absorb to be sold in the US, so knowing what Experts do really think about BVS, specifically for the scaffold thrombosis issue, if of some importance.
Please, take your time to read alsoJAC_22510 the comments on the Survey made by Michael O’Riordan in TCTMD:
This is the official TCTMD report on the late-breaking clinical trial session on BVS at the latest EuroPCR.
I am proud of being part of it, presenting the short-term data of the RAI registry. And I am also proud that our centre was the second top enroller centre in both the RAI and IT-DISAPPEARS registry!
Much debate is currently running on BVS performance in small coronary vessels. I am here attaching one of the few publications available worldwide, that our group coordinated recently: the BVS SAVE study. This poster was presented at both the 2015 GISE and TCT meetings. Please take a look at the results.